lauantai 13. maaliskuuta 2010


Flash/smile, Flash/giggles, Flash/kissing in the woods, waking up, smiling, you´re there, hitting you to make you stop snoring, you holding me when I´m scared, you holding my hand, think about you, the rings, the ukulele, the restaurants, here without you, don´t stop, the movies, the laughs, the fights, the pain, the hurt, the red fleece, you separating the yellow ones from the rest, you comforting me when I felt sick, you loving me, us on that mountain, us three, us four, at carnival, taking walks, swinging, making food, in the candlelight, dancing, our song, fuck you, ticklish, shopping, moving, so helpless, elvis, smoking, giving away the cigarettes, sitting at the military café, watching you being a boss, loving you, afro, seeing the shine around you, our daughters, you supporting me through birth, all our stuff divided into two piles, less paperwork when we get married, making love in the morning, looking into your eyes knowing I´m home.

Erase it.

It´s not like I´m sorry, I was waiting on a different story, this time I´m mistaken for handing you a heart worth breaking.

Erase it.

Hi, My name is Malin, who are you?

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