torstai 29. lokakuuta 2009

Baby news

I have to admit I´m not especially a fan of children other than my own of course, other peoples kids are the ones screaming on public transportation or throwing themselves on the floor on shops, they´re also the one you can´t shout, shut up too. My own girls of course are angels or maybe I´d just like to believe that.

I don´t particulary want more kids of my own, might be I´m a bit afraid of being a single mum again. But anyway.

I´ve recently felt fine, nothing special going on to be sad or particulary happy about but after all shit I´ve gone through it felt nice to have a mellow period. BUT

Bomb one. The X:s girlfriend is moving in with him. *dislike*

Bomb two which is way way heavier than the first: My dad who´s 58 is expecting a baby with his girlfriend 39. I am devastated since my dad´s so old.

So this time the babynew made me upset, sad, angry, sorry, and chocked.

Now I have kinda eliminated all men in my life since my dad and I aren´t speaking after a huge fight. My X is well an X. And that´s it.

So now I´m waiting for bomb number three....

sunnuntai 4. lokakuuta 2009

uutta.... nytt...

Olen tässä asunut jo kohta 6kk ja kämppä on ollut aika mullin mallin, ei oo ollu rahaa eikä mielenkiintoa tehdä mitään asialle... eilen mentiin sitt ikeaan isäni kanssa ja tänään sain tyttöjen huoneen sille mallille että oon todella tyytyväinen, ainut on että verhot puuttuu ja lamppukin pitäis vaihtaa kattoon... Keittiönkin sain sinnepäin ruotuun tänään, huomenna töiden jälkeen jatkan hommia ja toivottavasti pian sais kuviakin esitellä...
Mutta kaipaako joku pinnasänkyä tai syöttötuolia niin mulla olis myynnissä, halvalla lähtis kunhan lähtee,,,

Ja nu har jag bott här snart 6 månader o lägenheten har varit ganska kaotisk, har avrken haft pengar eller intresse att göra någo åt den... men igår for vi med min pappa till ikea o idag har jag fått flickornas rum i de skick att ja e supernöjd, ännu fattas lamporna o gardinerna, kanhända man måst fara till ikea på nytt efter nästa lönedag... Förhoppningsvis kan man snart visa upp bilder från hemmet...
Men behöver nån en spjälsäng o matstol så ja har till salu, de far billigt, bara de far...

perjantai 2. lokakuuta 2009

-update of some kind-

Once upon a time there was a mum that broke. Mister X has been away for 3 weeks and me and the girls lived in this threesome for six weeks in a row. I am at the moment so tired since I´ve been having long and stressful days at work and then the girls, I haven´t had time for the gym or myself, my apartment looks like shit and I want to be alone and take it easy in my own peace, is that too much to ask.

The X is coming home on sunday and I am going to send the girls to him and I wont take no for an answer even though I know we´re up for a fight once again.

If I only could erase the past...